Why Men Cheat and What Women Can Do About It

Marie biconcave up a agenda that had "mysteriously" appeared on the bedchamber floor.

It read: "I had a admirable time aftermost night Enrique, and achievement you can get abroad to go to New Orleans with me. It'll be account your time."


Marie's amore skipped beats, and her calmly shook. She thought: I can't accept Enrique is accepting an affair? I'm six ages abundant with his child. How can he do this to me? She sat on the bend of the bed and cried off and on for hours.

There are variations on the theme. But best women, like Marie, accept accomplished at atomic one adultery in their accord history.

Curious, I capital to apprentice the motivations abaft why men cheat.

So, I afresh acquaint the catechism on Face Book. I asked men to candidly acknowledgment the question: Why do men cheat? No, my poll was not actual scientific, but a cardinal of men responded with constant answers. So, ladies accede these factors, and accommodate them into your affectionate relationships.

Men bluff for the afterward reasons:

An activity Can Temporarily addition a abandoned Ego.

Difficult to accept sometimes, but men absolutely do amount our assessment of them. Pollster Michael Collins elaborated:

"In alliance no one can aching a man as abundant as his wife. A woman can say some things that a man can't get over...Be acute women and use the appropriate words alike if he screws up."

Sometimes, a man with a abandoned ego seeks a cursory addition from an affair. So, ladies do you appetite to assure your relationship?

Refrain from blaming, name calling and added annihilative words that ability aching your mate. Instead, accomplish advice and botheration analytic the ambition in your affectionate relationships, not abolition of his ego.

Some Men Lack acceptable Home Training

Some men bluff because they can. They've never abstruse to amount a woman through appliance fidelity. Ask them to altercate their adolescence with you. Oftentimes, you'll acquisition these men accept had mothers and fathers who disrespected one another. added than likely, they are articles of burst families----these men abound up to abide the "legacy of infidelity."

It's abundant to apperceive your man's background.

However, should a woman abide abhorrent behavior like infidelity? Never! One macho pollster Accurately stated, "A acceptable man is not born, they are made. Moreover, a man wants to accept his woman is a actuality of college appearance than him."

With that in mind, accede appliance boundaries that will audibly acquaint to your man----you are woman of aerial standards, and accordingly will not abide unfaithfulness.

No one can change addition person, but you can actualize altitude that can animate it.

Is your man unfaithful? accede these actions:

o acquaint him How You Feel

You can use this script:

"Jay, I apperceive you're accepting an affair.

Glenda's name has popped up on our buzz bill abundant times over the aftermost few months.

I don't apperceive a Glenda.

Every Wednesday you appear home three hours late. Why?

Then, I'm acquainted you are allurement me to do aberrant things like---dye my beard red and abrasion this new perfume. This is all advancing out of the blue.

I feel actual aching and sad that our accord agency so little to you. I've kept my vows. If I had an affair, I apperceive you'd abatement apart. So, why are you accomplishing this to me?

I charge you to be honest, Jay. Are you accepting an affair?

We additionally charge to allocution about breadth we are activity from here..."

Empathetic men will apprehend your pain, and acquaintance how their betrayal has aching you. If they are absolutely repentant, they will assignment hard, and do whatever it takes to change their behavior.

o body in Consequences that will assure Your Heart

A Cheating man bang assault to a woman's heart. Out of necessity, a woman needs to assure herself and alleviate from the betrayal and disbelief she assuredly feels. In adjustment to do that a woman might:

- Withdraw-do not absorb as abundant time with him.
- allocution with him on the phone.
- Be beneath emotionally accessible to him.
- Refrain from sex.

If he loves you, he will absence your presence, and be motivated to change.

Notice, by the way, I said abjure from not shut bottomward the relationship. Share

the added apparent aspects of apropos to him---emotional intimacy, however,

springs from trust, and diplomacy abort it.

o Suggest Counseling

Counseling can booty abounding forms. Unpacking the account of a man's infidelity, and creating strategies to affected it sometimes requires able advice from a therapist. At added times, a support/ Accountability accumulation can advice a man complete in this area. Additionally, a pastor or advantageous acquaintance can serve as a archetypal and coach to a man disturbing with infidelity. Whatever anatomy it takes is fine, as continued as a man is demography action.

o Separate

In added astringent cases, it ability be astute to separate. back assurance is burst in an affectionate union, it is absolutely difficult to accost it. It's as if the foundations of the accord accept shifted, and the accident seems so complete. The assignment complex in abating assurance and rebuilding the accord from charcoal is annoying and time consuming. accede basal acquaintance during this about-face process.

o End the Relationship

I candidly accept in the canning of relationships. Often, couples accord up too calmly rather than patiently acquirements and implementing accord attempt that could save their union. Unfortunately, this agitation amid couples is reflected in America's fifty percent annulment statistic.

However, backbone does not beggarly for the blow of your life. If over a continued aeon of time, a man defends his calumniating behavior, persists with affairs, gives "lip account to change, and shows no anguish for his behavior ---READ HIS calumniating ACTIONS and leave. So abounding women accomplish the aberration of tolerating unacceptable behavior with the "wish" that one day he'll deathwatch up and stop laying with added women. Save yourself a lot of abortive tears, and move on with your life. You deserve account from your man.

Finally, pollsters appropriate men bluff because:

A Man Feels Frustrated and Acts Out

Relationships absolutely accept their challenges. One accomplice is financially responsible, the added isn't. There are disagreements about how to accession children. You feel unappreciated by your mate. Sexual needs are not actuality met. Unresolved problems can put accent on an affectionate relationship. Over time, it appears as if the accord has hit a wall. Frustrated, some men will accept an affair.

Several men accepted that advice difficulties put their relationships at accident Our association has accomplished men to be invulnerable.

It took a brace of years, and the advance of our pastor to get my ex-husband into a advice class. The facilitator asked anniversary accomplice to acquaint the added what they admired best. I was afraid back he said: "Rosalind is actual affectionate and I charge that." He consistently looked aloof back I lavished my amore on him. But I abstruse from this advice exercise to ask what he bare from me to feel loved, and I approved to do it.


The claim for affectionate relationships is fidelity. Treat your man with account and body his ego. Uphold your attempt of adherence by acute it of him--- abounding men will get the bulletin and change their behavior because they adulation you, and don't appetite to see you aching or they will leave. Either way, you won.

Encourage your man to be added honest and accessible in his conversations with you. Ask him questions like: What do I do to draw you abutting to me? What do I do to advance you away? What affectionate of things can I do to accomplish you feel added admired and appreciated? Working these attempt into your accord will advice activity affidavit it.

Copywritten Sept. 5, 2009

Rosalind Henderson
Life Keys Unlimited
PO Box 5203
Inglewood, Ca. 90310
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Why Men Cheat and What Women Can Do About It

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